Friday, September 30, 2011

You’ll Always Stay Forever…

Act 122:

“It’s never too late… To Stay Young

It doesn’t mean fighting time. We must grow. We can even age. But we can stay young at heart and in mind. Look with young eyes. Love with a young heart. Recapture the wonderment. Appreciate your surroundings, your loved ones, your friendships. Look forward with hope and optimism.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “Youth has no age.” ~ Pablo Picasso

We all age. It’s inevitable. We may not want to admit it nor do we want it to happen. It’s funny as kids all we want is to be older… to be able to do what grown-ups do. As we become adults and gain more responsibility, all we want to do is stay young.

We are surrounded by products about “staying young” Think about how many cosmetic products, stories, liquid potions, vitamins, surgeries/procedures there are out there about trying to stay young or about regaining lost youth.

I don’t like those de-aging creams or getting plastic surgery, but I’m lucky I look younger than I am. I remember when I was 29… I got carded at an R rated movie. I mean seriously?? I know I was wearing my high school basketball sweatshirt and I was wearing my hair back and jeans… but sometimes I don’t get carded at the bar… an R rated movie is 17… a bar is 21.

I myself am not afraid of getting older. The only thing I’m afraid of is getting older and being alone. I do think it is important to stay young at heart… but I got no problems with getting older. For me it’s not hard to stay young. I play video games. I still watch cartoons on sat mornings every once in a while. Hell…. a few years ago I went to go see the Yugi-Oh movie.. that’s right.. I saw it. What cha gotta say?? Haha. I do a lot of puzzles and play board games. I was told that laughter helps you stay young at heart. I do laugh a lot these days. In the past 6 months, I’ve been told by about 6-7 different people that I have an infectious laugh. I’m still very inquisitive. I’m always trying to seek out new experiences and learn new things.

The last thing I believe is that helps you keep is keeping your mindset that way. If you think you’re old and feel like you’re old… then you become an old fogey. If you let yourself be light hearted and allow the fun to come in, then you stay young at heart. Relaxing and having fun. Enjoying the moments… these are helpful to staying young. I have a little bit of a hard time relaxing, except lately… I’ve been a lot better at this.

What are the ways you think are the keys to staying young? What do you do that helps you stay young?

Mini Trivia

10 Points: Name the Artist and Song referenced in the title

10 Points: Name the male lead in the Movie of the same title also starring Jamie Lee Curtis and Elijah Wood

10 Points: Name the Michael Jackson song that contains the letters “PYT”

10 Points: Name the Artist who sang “Young Hearts Run Free”

10 Points: Name the Artist and Song of the lyrics below

With all the charms of a woman
You've kept the secret of your youth
You led me to believe
You're old enough
To give me Love
And now it hurts to know the truth, Oh,

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