Friday, October 14, 2011

Enjoy Your Life And Leave Others To Enjoy Theirs

Act 136:

It’s never too late… To Live And Let Live

We all look at life through different eyes. There’s no correct way. Only the best way for us. Make your own choices. Grant others the same right.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “Life loves the liver of it.” ~Maya Angelou

There’s that saying… that my old officemate taught me. “We should work to live, not live to work”. We need to go out there and live our lives. For me that means to relax and let my guard down. Stop being so risk adverse and just live… just be happy and don’t worry about the consequences so much.

To me this Act is also about judgment. Yes, live your life, but let others live theirs. Who cares what genetalia or skin color or job or background they have? Who cares who they sleep with or how old they are or what religion they practice? As long and they’re happy and not hurting anyone just let them be. We all deserve the right to be happy as long as it is not at the expense of others.

So how do I want to live? I want to live my life with a partner. Someone to walk beside me. Someone who challenges me. Someone who can handle me. Someone who loves me for me. Not the façade that I sometimes pretend to be. I want to be honest, respected and loved. I want to live my life with integrity… with respect… At work, people may not like me, but I know that they respect me and they know I’m just trying to do the right thing. There is no hidden or hurtful agendas. That is how I want to live my life. I want to be happy.

What will it take to make me happy? I want the one thing I’ve wanted ever since I was a kid. I want a family to call my own. I want kids and I want to raise them with someone who loves our kids more than they love me. Just like my parents. I want a marriage and a family life just like the one I had growing up. Knowing that LOVE and family are the most important things in life. That’s what would make me happy….That how I want to live.

For the rest of the world, I want equality. Equality for women at work. I mean it really is sad that women still get paid on average 20% lower than their male counterparts. I read an article today saying that the England was looking into changing the monarchy rules. So that if Will and Kate have a baby girl, she’d be first in line, not her little brother if she had one. I can’t believe it’s 2011 and they are finally getting around to changing this.

I want equality for the LGBT community. Why does it matter who you sleep with? Does what happens in the bedroom affect anyone else? Who cares? I’m so annoyed with the big hoopla about Chaz Bono on Dancing With The Stars. So, he was born Chastity and now is a man. How does that hurt anyone? How does who you sleep with hurt anyone else? (ok bad question)…. Cause there’s cheating or pedophiles and rape…. But you know what I mean? How does two unattached single men sleeping with each other affect me? It doesn’t.

This train of thought lead me down the path to Polygamy. Would I ever do it? No. But if multiple people want to enter into a relationship/marriage with each other and they are all TRULY happy with it. I don’t see anything wrong with that. I do put my foot down when it comes to bestiality, because that’s just like pedophiles and rape… the animal may not be smart or cognizant enough to give consent, so you may be doing it against their will.

Let’s let each other live lives that will make us happy. If you’re happy sleeping with someone of the same sex. Yay for you. If you’re happy in an open marriage. Yay for you. The choices you make may not be the choices that I may make, but that’s what makes this country great. We live in a country where we have the right to speak our minds and to pretty much live the life we want to live. So go out there and live your life. I’ll let you live yours… if you let me live mine…

1 comment:

Johny said...

Great text. Only I think that "if" at the end is not necessary.