Monday, October 24, 2011

Go With Your Gut

First and foremost… I wanna say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my HOMEGIRL! =) Love ya

Act 146:

It’s never too late… To Trust Your Intuition

Learn to recognize that gut feeling. That gnawing certainty. That inner belief. When you know what is right. Too often we’re swayed by other’s views. Have confidence in your intuition. It’s built from experience and observation. Take advantage of it.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “True creativity often starts where language ends.” ~ Arthur Koelstler

When you’ve got a tough decision and are unsure what to do, most people give the advice to go with your gut. To trust your intuition. For me at least, it’s almost always right. It never really leads me astray. I’ve been trying to think about all the times I’ve used my intuition, but not much is coming to me.

The only story I can think of is when I had to choose whether to stay with my company or try to find a new job after we had just lost a huge contract. In that situation, I just had a huge feeling in my gut that I should go find another job and that I would not be happy. So, I did. It’s not like I would’ve gotten laid off, which would’ve almost been better. However, I knew that by staying in that job I was going to never get promoted fairly. There was someone who was the same age as me, but was a man. I felt like the management preferred men. I’m not saying that I would’ve been discriminated against, but I am saying that I felt as though, I would never get as many opportunities (or recognition) as I deserved in that situation. I ended up leaving and it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

Sometimes I get these weird feelings that something bad is going to happen. Then something usually happens to a family member or a friend. The other thing I have good intuition about is people. I can usually sense whether or not I’m gonna like them or be friends with them or dislike them from within the first couple of minutes. So, going on first dates is like torture for me, because I can usually tell if I like them withing the first ferw minutes. Then I’m stuck with them for the next 1 – 1.5 hours. Argh. I should get one of my friends to call me to get out of it. I’ll have to remember that if I ever need it.

I use my intuition a lot at work. If faced with a problem, I usually can feel what is the right solution for all involved. However, I can’t ever explain it right away, why something is a bad idea and why something else is an even better one. Once I’ve got a gut feeling about a position, then I’ll figure out what justifies or explains why I like that position. A lot of things I do at work are based on intuition.

Right now I know I have to take a deep breath when thinking about work, because I’m working with some real winners. We have to put a document out for review and they refuse to do it. It’s ridiculous. I even had the guy I was talking to LIE to my face. I actually caught him in 3 direct lies to my face. It was ridiculous. The whole situation at has garnered too much attention and is just plainful to discuss day after day after day. It’s getting us nowhere. This morning I had this awful feeling in my gut that this whole situation was going to get worse and sure enough we are getting farther and farther apart. Unfortunately, this is going to rear its ugly self and it will go on forever w/out any movement. I let you know how that goes. Hehe

Do you have a sixth sense? Do you listen to your gut? And more importantly, do you trust it when it talks to you? I usually can’t explain the intuition or that feeling in my gut. It’s not logical. It’s just based on feelings and a sixth sense. Right now my body is telling me that I’m exhausted, so before I start babbling… I’m gonna just go to bed.

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