Sunday, October 23, 2011

How Many Do You See?

Act 145:

It’s never too late… To Count The Stars

Away from the bright lights, they shine clearest. They remind us of our place in the universe. They speak of hope. Of optimism. Of the great scheme of things. Of the infinite potential of life.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars.” ~ Oscar Wilde

Living in LA… you barely have skies clear enough to see stars, much less count them. I already did a “stars” blog. In that blog, I chose not to talk about celebrities, but here in LA… that’s the kind of “star” you can count. So, against my better judgment…. Let’s play “count the stars”

I’ve lived here for almost all my life and I can only remember seeing a few celebrities. I know lots of friends who’ve seen a bunch and have interacted with a lot of them, but really haven’t tried to look for them and/or tried to move in their circles. I’m gonna just mention the ones I’ve seen out doing normal every day things. Not the ones I’ve seen at tapings or concerts or shows. Although, I’ve been to three show tapings in my life, but they were shows that never made it passed the 1st or 2nd season (except for when I went to be part of the audience for Glee) and I can’t even remember the name of them right now.

When I was in college, the first real big celebrity I ever saw out on the street was Helen Hunt. This was right around the time that Mad About You was really really popular. I saw her in a Tea House, which is funny, because I don’t like or drink tea. I think I was there meeting a date or someone. But I still remember this. I never talked to her nor did anyone else (except the server). I don’t feel like it’s my place to interrupt celebrities while they are out and about. If they are at a signing event or concert or if they are signing autographs for other people, then maybe I’ll go up to them and ask. But mostly I don’t because I’m too shy.

While at UCLA, I worked on campus. There were three TV stars that also went to school there while I was there and that I saw from time to time. I even served them a couple of times. The first was Mayim Bialik who starred in Blossom and now stars in The Big Bang Theory. I also saw Urkel himself, Jaleel White from Family Matters. It was a little jarring at first, because he looked nothing like the character that made him famous. The last celebrity I went to school with was my favorite and I LOVED her growing up. It was none other than Winnie Cooper aka Danica McKellar from The Wonder Years. My dad always said she looked like my cousin and every time she came on the screen he called her by my cousin’s name. haha

The last celebrity I can remember seeing is Jorge Garcia, who played Hurley on Lost. We were eating dinner at a restaurant (I can’t remember the name, but I know we only went there because Lea Michele tweeted about it and my friend PY said that he wanted to eat there because she recommended it.) Jorge Garcia came in to eat dinner by himself and ate at the bar. I think that he ordered a beer and had a huge plate of pasta. Hehe

I’ve seen a couple of celebrities in airports or planes. I remember taking a late flight from Dallas and we were held up because we were waiting for Flavor Flav. It was so funny, he was wearing a pink velour jumpsuit and a pink clock around his neck. The other celebrity I saw on a plane was Colin Egglesfield, he was on All My Children and the revamped Melrose Place. He also just starred in a movie called Something Borrowed. He was sitting behind me in First Class. He was reading a script on his iPad the entire time (I could see the reflection on the window). Before we got off the plane, I actually talked to him and told him I was a fan. We also talked about how much it sucked that All My Children was being canceled. He told me he still keeps in touch with some of the cast. That was a few months ago. All My Children has now ended. =(

I know there are a couple of other celebrities I’ve seen, but I’m drawing a blank. So, how many “stars” have you seen? Do you have an cool stories you can or are willing to share?


Jamie said...

We saw Joe Rogan in one of the food courts at LAX when we were waiting for our flight to Vegas for my bachelorette party. Remember?

Patricia said...

Omg I totally remember Ninong calling me Winnie. Lmao