Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Just Give It A Chance

Act 133:

It’s never too late… To Find Peace

Nobody can prevent you from finding peace. Unless you empower them. If something is stopping you from reaching it, act on it. If it’s outside your powers, stop worrying about it. Peace comes from within. Serach inside yourself.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “A peace above all earthly dignities, A still and quiet conscience.” ~William Shakespeare

Ok. Peace. What a topic. I could go so many ways. I could talk about finding World peace. I could talk about finding inner peace. I could talk about finding peace of mind. I could talk about finding peace between friends or giving peace offerings. Giving someone a peace of your mind… oh wait. Wrong “peace” haha

I think today (because I had a little mini blow up today) I wanna talk about finding that inner peace. How do you find peace and calm when your buttons have been pushed? How do you dial it back when you know you’re about to erupt?

For me sometimes getting angry is inevitable. I just get in these moods where there are no winners. It’s like being a passenger on a train and seeing that we are about to hit another oncoming train and I’m paralyzed and helpless to stop it. So the trains collide and I erupt.

When you’re in that position/mood, how do you stop yourself? How do you tell the other person/people in the room w/ you that nothing they say will make it better? It’s not their fault, but you are bound to pounce and take out your frustrations and anger out on them. It’s all on you to stop it. Do you walk away? That will just make them upset or ask you why and what’s wrong, when you just don’t want to talk about it. For me that’s the worst thing. Most of the time I get frustrated w/ myself and I need to figure out what I’m feeling before I talk about it or try to tell someone else. So asking me to explain it at that moment is the worst possible thing to say. Sometimes I really do just need a time out. Time to myself to reenergize. To get myself in a better mood.

My problem is I don’t know how to do that w/out alerting the other people involved. This happens a lot with my family and friends. I don’t want to offend them, so I bottle it up and I start to give one word answers or grunts. I know that my facial expression gets really grumpy and annoyed. I keep quiet… thinking that I can handle it. But then I can’t and I blow up. I can’t find that inner “peace” button that makes me calm while sitting there. I know what to do now to find that inner peace. To find that calm and collected side of me that I know is there.

I need to step away. Take a couple of deep breaths. Close my eyes and just think. Just calm down. Focus on why I’m really upset. Because more often than not… it has nothing to do with the current situation…This wikiHow article on “How To Find Peace” says just that… At this moment, writing this blog has really helped me collect my thoughts and calm down.

Today… I know it had to do with my own frustrations at work and at home. I know the next two days at work are going to be tough for me and I’m stressed out about it. I should’ve stepped away today and I knew it. I thought I could handle it, but I was wrong. Bex – I’m sorry. I circle you. Thx for understanding and being so great. I didn’t mean it and it wasn’t you. It was all me.

But at least now I know what I need to do next time, so it hopefully doesn’t happen again. So, word to the wise family/friends. If I tell you, I need a minute and say… I don’t want to talk about it right now or we’ll talk about it later. I’m actually trying not to be rude and save you from myself. So, just let me walk away. Let me collect myself… and hopefully the angry bitchy me will not surface and I can be calm happy me. Hopefully that bitchy diva will come out less and less. I know this has been working for me more and more. I’m still a work in progress, so please bear w/ me! I apologize in advance.

So I can’t help it… so I have to say my “peace” about – World peace – we all strive for it. But I feel that it is a pipe dream, but a good dream to try to achieve. I think no matter how much we try… world peace and that utopia in Star Trek will never be achievable in my lifetime or ever. I don’t think that you can possibly make all 7 billion people on the planet happy. So, lets focus on making ourselves happy. Our families happy and our friends happy. This will give me peace of mind and help me find peace in my life.

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