Monday, October 31, 2011

Reach Out And Touch Someone

Act 153:

It’s never too late… To Make Contact

Whether a long-lost friend, or a new acquaintance. Break through the barriers. Touch the inner person. Renew old connections. Make new ones. Find common ground. Explore new interests.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “Each person’s life is lived as series of conversations.” ~ Deborah Tannen

I know a few days ago I vowed to reconnect with 50 of my old friends. I’ve made tentative plans with some already. So check on that way of connecting. I think that goal really goes w/ this Act. I think all summer I’ve talked about the Face2Face movie. I’ve talked about trying to connect with the Face2Face Family and the Kat Pack. So, I’ve connected in that way. I’ve done that. So how can I really complete this Act and do something different?

I just sat here for about 5 minutes thinking and I got a Facebook invite to an Alumni mixer and it’s on a day that I can actually attend. I’ve been traveling so much that I’m never in town. How freaking crazy is that? It just boggles my mind how in tune my life is to these blogs. So, I’m going to make contact with my B-school friends AND I’ll be able to complete this act and the one from a few days ago.

I know this is very short, but I’m super tired and I’ve got to get on a plane in a few hours. Plus, there’s not much to say on this other than. Make and effort to connect with people. Contact old friends. Make new contacts by using meet-me sites or friends of friends. Either way. Get out there and make a contact goal.

Btw - It's Halloween... I guess that's one way to make contact with other people. But I'm too old to go trick or treating and I never get any kids. I haven't bought candy in 7 years. Although, Halloween is a way to get out there w/out really having to be yourself. You can hide behind a costume. However, that's not really the point of this. Let people get to know the really you. Let them make contact with you're real self, not the one underneath the mask. That goes for everyday in life, not just on Halloween.

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