Thursday, October 6, 2011

Together We Can All...

Act 128:

“It’s never too late… To Make A Difference

Throughout history individuals have made a difference. You can too. Make the effort. Just trying will bring you satisfaction and honour and, sometimes, gratitude.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “Do more than is required of you.” ~ General George S. Patton

I consulted The ORACLE for some material for this blog and I came across a website w/ some quotes.

Here are some of my favorites

Anonymous – “Never be afraid to do something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark; professionals built the titanic.”

Tom Brokaw - “It's easy to make a buck. It's a lot tougher to make a difference”.

Paul "Bear" Bryant – “It's not the will to win, but the will to prepare to win that makes the difference.”

Robert Frost - “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I... I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”

Stevie Wonder – “We all have ability. The difference is how we use it.”

Marian Wright Edelman – “We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee.”

We can all make a difference. In just our personal lives or make a difference in the world. Did you know there’s a Make A Difference Day? Make A Difference Day, the largest national day of helping others, is sponsored annually by USA WEEKEND Magazine and its 800 carrier newspapers. It takes place on the 4th Saturday in October each year. That is Oct 22 this year. This blog amazes me. It means I have a couple weeks to figure out what I’m gonna do on that day to make a difference. Any ideas? Maybe we can do something together. Just like we did for my Plant A Tree Campaign.

For those who haven’t been following this blog religiously, back in June one of the Acts was to Plant a Tree. So, I ventured out to Plant a Forrest! My goal was to raise $3000 for the Nature Conservancy for their Plant A Billion campaign - I ended up raising $3507. With the help of campaigns like ours, they are now up to $9.8M. So in 4 months they’ve made $4M. I doesn’t seem like they are gonna make their goal of $1B by 2015. This saddens me… maybe we can plant more trees?

The other thing that I’ve done in the last couple months in an effort to make a difference is this blog. Most of you also know this story. Back in May, I became obsessed with a movie called Loving Annabelle. I then became huge fans of the actress Erin Kelly and the writer/director, Katherine Brooks. Erin Kelly blogged about Patrick Lindsay’s book and that’s how this blog became a reality. This blog has really made a difference in my life and in the life of those of you who have read it (or at least you’ve told me it has)

Lastly, I was lucky enough to become involved with Kat Brooks’ movie adventure Face2Face, where she set off on a road trip to meet 50 of her facebook friends. I was with her before the journey watching and chatting with her fans on the Vokle sessions every week. I helped fund her trip. I actually met her while she was in LA. We’ve since become friends. I also met some amazing people who will be a part of my life forever. I love the Face2Face family and the Kat Pack. M-Dawg and Bex. I especially mean you two. I circle... No wait... I sphere you both! HAHA!!

It’s amazing how your life changes and how one event in your life can make a difference in your whole life. how everything is linked. For me it all started with my father dying. Had he not passed, I don’t think I would’ve been home for Easter with my mom. Nor would I have been bored enough to watch a movie. My internet at home sucks, so streaming videos is hard here. So, I watched Loving Annabelle, a movie I started watching 3 years earlier, but never finished. The movie lead me to Erin and Kat and ultimately to this blog, which led me to trying to make a difference by helping the planet.

You can make a difference. Maybe it doesn’t need to be a life changing event like it was for me. Maybe all you need is this blog. Maybe you can help me come up with a new campaign or idea for Make A Difference Day. Maybe you can smile at someone to brighten their day. Or carry groceries for the lady who needs help. Go out there and Make a difference. We all can do it. I know we can. =)

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