Wednesday, October 26, 2011

We Used To Know Each Other

Act 148:

It’s never too late… To Find Old Friends

They’re like gems. Links to our past. Sea anchors in a storm. They bring solidity. A chance for reflection. A link in our life chain. A continuum.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “The best mirror is an old friend.” ~ Proverb

In this "It's Never Too Late" blog series, this is the third blog about “Friends”. The first one was about “Making A Friend” and the second was “Making New Friends” I think I already bitched about the fact that those the same exact thing, so I won’t do it again.

Before there was the internet and all these social networking sites, it was hard to find old friends when you needed to. One of the only ways was to go to reunions or reconnect thru a mutual friend. I actually reconnected with a lot of my high school friends after our 10 year reunion.

In an effort to do this Act, I just went through my “People You May Know” list on Facebook and I only tried to friend 3 of them. Don’t get me wrong, I knew a lot more than 3, but there were only three on that list that I was really friends with or actually knew me. Most of the people on there I did know from high school, college, or B-school, but they were in a different class or I didn’t actually talk to them (even if I do know who they are). I guess I didn’t really find very many people on that list to try to friend, because all the people who know me and wanted to keep in touch are already my friends.

I guess I could go through my old yearbooks and try to reconnect w/ some of those friends. However, thinking back, there are only a couple of people that I’m not already friends w/ on Facebook that I’d like to find. So for this act, my plan is to do what I wanted to do in a previous blog. I was never able to complete it because I never figured out how to make these post in my Facebook Notes without getting an error. I was going to tag 20 of my high school friends that I haven’t talked to in at least 6 months. I’m gonna up change it up a bit.

Since my father’s death, I’ve really been a hermit and really haven’t interacted with many people. I just couldn’t handle it. I needed time to myself and time to adjust. I needed time to heal. I’m not fully healed (nor do I believe I ever truly will). However, I think I’m ready to get out there and talk to or hang out with more of my friends again. So, I’m gonna contact 50 of my facebook friends that I haven’t talked to in a while, either on facebook or on the phone. (wow, this sounds like a good idea for a blog series) Anyway, if I haven’t hung out with you or really really talked to you since my father passed, then you are up for grabs.

So for those of you that are just reading these on a consistent basis and haven’t let me know that you read, please let me know. I’d love to hear what you think and you can be one of the 50. As for this blog series in general, I’m so glad that it allows me to keep in touch with those select few who comment like My Homegirl, my cousins, JEM and especially my old friend WD (I know I’m forgetting some people). Whit – I’m so glad we are back in touch and I know that this blog series has helped us do that. So, if nothing else comes of this series… I’m so glad it has done that for us. =)


10 Points: Name the Artist and the Title of the Theme Song of the TV Sitcom Friends

10 Points: Name the Artist who sang “That’s What Friends Are For”

10 Points: Name the Artist who sang “Why Can’t We Be Friends”?

10 Points: Name the Artist who sang “Graduation (Friends Forever)”

10 Points: Name the band name of Zack Morris and his friends on Saved By The Bell.

10 Points: Name the “hit” song they Zack’s Band sang

10 Points: Wikipedia says there are at least 20 Artists who sang a song entitled “Friends”. Name two of the Artists

10 Points: Name how many states have a city named Friend.

10 Points: Name the Artist and Song of the lyrics below

Well how the times have changed
Lookin' back it seems so clear now
Everything you wanted in your life
Everything is certain, try and understand
Put a checklist on your wall
I am not what you think I should be

But you're makin' amends, through your circle of friends
And you're trying to fit me to their mold

[Cause you're gone when 29 is there to fall]

Yes you're makin' amends, through your circle of friends
And you're trying to fit me to their mold

10 Points: Name the Artist and Song of the lyrics below

What would you think if I told you
I've always wanted to hold you?
I don't know what we're afraid of
Nothing would change if we made love

So I'll be your friend
And I'll be your lover
Cause, I know in our hearts we agree
We don't have to be one or the other, Oh no
We could be both to each other

1 comment:

Whitney said...

Ahhh, I'm glad it has allowed us to reconnect as well. Whatever will we do when you're done with all the acts? I never did make it to so-cal for the continuing ed course I wanted to attend. But, I'm sure there will be more, so at some point we can reconnect face to face.