Monday, October 17, 2011

You Have My Love No Matter What

Act 139:

It’s never too late… To Love Unconditionally

Love can be liberating. Or it can be confining. Long-lasting love must be without conditions. It must allow room for growth. For expression. For freedom. For mistakes. For Forgiveness. Unconditional love has no limits.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “Love sought is good, but given unsought is better.” ~ William Shakespeare

Today it has been 9 months since my father passed. It’s fitting that it lands on the Unconditional Love Act. He’s the one who taught me what unconditional love was. If anyone loved unconditionally, it was my father. I know he loved my mom, my brother, and me unconditionally. Yes, we fought and yes we got angry at each other sometimes…. But at the end of the day, we knew we loved each other and we would be there no matter what. That is what he taught me love was about.

There were two ways I always knew how I would figure out who I would spend the rest of my life with. The first was if I could fart in front of them. The second was if I loved them unconditionally. Because I knew that meant they could be and would be my family. This meant that all the small stuff was easily forgiven (which is normal), but the big stuff was also easily forgiven. It’s a kind of love that you would give your life for. All the people in my life that I love unconditionally, I would gladly step in front of a bus for or give up my life for them.

It’s interesting that when my father died, his death lead me to Kat Brooks and The Face2Face family/the Kat Pack. Kat and this group preach about unconditional love and we all interact with each other like family. Some of these people I know I will be friends with for the rest of my life and some I love unconditionally. Except for my homegirl and my guy BFF (and a select few), I never thought that I would love anyone other than my family unconditionally and somehow that has happened.

To all those people in my life who I love unconditionally, you know I will always be there to support and love you. To all those who love me unconditionally, thanks for being there for me. Thanks for loving me in spite of the bitchy attitude I’ve had over the years. I know it didn’t make it easy for you, but I’m a changed person… so now it’s my time to support, accept, and love you for who you are… no matter what.

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