Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Being Prim and Proper

Act 162:

It’s never too late… To Be Dignified

Live with style. Win, lose or draw with elegance. Carry yourself lightly. Give more than you take. Praise more than you criticise. Tread gently on the earth.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “Better wit then wealth.” ~ Proverb

Tonight was the 45th Annual CMA Awards – CMA stands for Country Music Association. For those that don’t already know, I LOVE Country music. I almost love it as much as I love musicals. (yes, that much!! haha)

It’s kinda funny that this Act fell on this night, because whenever I watch any awards ceremony I always wonder if the nominees practice their “I’m a loser” look and clap as much as they practice their acceptance speech. I mean, they all look so dignified and do a pretty decent job of smiling and clapping for the winner, when we all know they’re thinking… “damn it. Why the hell didn’t I win? Those idiots just got it wrong. Now I have to smile and pretend that I’m just ok w/ just being nominated!”

Does anyone else wonder about how all the losers keep a straight face? I know I wouldn’t be able to. I’m not very dignified. I’m not very humble. I’m not very good at keeping my “real” feelings close to the vest. Most of the time you can tell what I’m thinking just by looking at me. I’m an open book when it comes to my feelings.

When I think about being dignified, I think of hob knobbing and snooty, sophisticated, stately, noble people interacting at regal and distinguished parties. I think of the British (I think it’s the accents), especially Julie Andrews in The Princess Diaries. But in reality, it’s not really like that at all. I think conducting yourself with honor, respect, integrity, kindness, and confidence are all things that can make someone dignified. I also think that having proper manners is important. It’s putting aside petty feelings and rising above all the cattiness and childish behavior.

Right now, there are a couple of people at work that are pains in my buttockes! However, over the last couple of months I’ve let them take me down to their level (and they play dirty). I need to learn to be above it all. To conduct myself w/ a little dignity and be dignified. They continued their dissension again today and I was a little better at handling the set back, but in order to truly get over it. I need to be 100 times better. So, for this Act. I’m gonna try to conduct myself with a little more class and dignity to show those dumbasses (shoot that word is not dignified! haha)… what it’s like to rise above all the pettiness. Who’s got any tips at being dignified?

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