Friday, November 18, 2011

Done. Finito.

Act 171:

It’s never too late… To Finish It

No matter how long. No matter how hard. Come back to it. Look at it anew. Seek help. If it needs finishing, do it. Feel the release. Move on.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “The end crowns the work.” ~ Proverb

When I first saw this Act, I had the end of a Mortal Kombat battle in my head saying. “Finish Him”. Haha. For anyone that gets that, you are AWESOME!.

Now that this blog series is ending, I know I was super happy about it, but now I’m a little sad. Maybe that’s the sentimental part of me that’s talking. I really won’t miss the feeling of “having” to blog, but I will miss that daily interaction w/ all of you. I’ll miss the excitement about figuring out what to say about each act. I’ll miss trying to think of interesting titles for my blogs to clue everyone in on what I’m gonna talk about w/out actually saying the words in the title. Bex – you got really good at figuring out what the Act was after the title. Thanks for all your help there.

I almost wish this was tomorrow’s Act, because then I can talk about all the things I’ve learned from this blogging series, but I’ll save that for tomorrow. For today, I’ll say this. This is my second to last Act in this blog series and I’m ready to be done. I’m ready to move on to the next exciting thing in my life. The next blog series. I still haven’t decided if and what I’m going to do after this is over. I know some of you will miss my daily rantings (esp. WD and JEM), but I’ll find a way to interact w/ you all again soon.

Once you finish something, it’s always a good time to start something else. I never like to go too long w/out a project. I think that maybe I could use some ideas. I’ve wanted to finish the musical website, where I review the plays and musicals. I’ve seen over 100 of them. My plan is to erect a website that reviews musicals and plays that I’ve seen to help out those of you that haven’t seen stuff or want to see something and you can gauge whether its’ right for you or not. Now, I had started reviewing stuff awhile ago, but I stopped because I got really busy with school. Luckily, I kept all the ticket stubs and have all the playbills of the ones I’ve seen in the recent years. I’m not sure anyone would be interested in this site, but I know I as a theater goer, I’d love it. Plus, it’s really for me in the guise that it’s for other people… haha.

Other ideas include:

· Doing another blog series on Patrick Lindsay’s other book Now Is the Time: 170 Ways to Seize the Moment. I’d have to read through it, but I’m not quite sure I’m ready to commit to another 6 month blog series at this point. – plus just by looking at the B&N description it looks very similar to this blog series. I would get bored really fast.

· Doing a workout blog. Resetting my goal of losing weight and actually forcing myself to d it, but blogging about it. I have a friend who does this and I think it’s super annoying, so that thought went quickly out the door.

· Maybe not doing a series, but start journaling my life. I’ve never written a journal (although the last 6 months is the exception) Maybe commit to writing once a week to catch everyone up on what’s going on in my life? It’s not once a day, but at least it’s not stopping all together.

Regardless of what I do next, I know that it was like dragging my feet to get these last few Acts done, I am gonna miss writing these entries every night. I’m glad I will complete my goal and that my sense of accomplishment is met, but everything in life has a beginning and an end…. And quite frankly, it’s time. I know I’ll look back on these days with the same awe and wonderment of “how the hell did I do that?”, just as I did after the completion of B-school.

I’m gonna complete this Act by going back to answer all the Trivia questions. I was going to try to finish that all tonight, but I had a little too much wine tonight and I passed out the minute I ate my sushi from the store after I got home. The next thing I know it’s 1:30am. Ooops. I do plan to finish doing that. I think it makes sense to do it after this is all done. Maybe I’ll make that Sunday’s activity while I’m watching football. I will finish it, maybe not when I would like…. I promise I will go back and finish that. =)


Jamie said...

How about a photo journal? One photo a day, with supporting text. Whether its something you ate, or something that caught your eye, or a musical you saw. I'm only suggesting because I love looking at photos.

Lilfaust said...

That's a great idea Jamie! I might just do that, but maybe once a week. the once a day blogs are really hard!

Whitney said...

I think you should do a weekly blog on the tv shows/movies/musicals you're watching. I have another friend that used to review tv shows, and I now watch a lot of shows because of what she wrote. Not to mention the fact that I watch Glee after all your hype.

You could also throw in updates on your goals in progress.