Sunday, November 6, 2011

Merci. Salamat. Gracias.

Act 159:

It’s never too late… To Say Thank You

It takes so little. Yet it means so much. Make the effort. No matter how late. Mean it. Say it generously. It lifts spirits. It maintains friendships. And seals love.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “Who gives not thanks to men, gives not thanks to God.” ~ Arab proverb

Today was such an amazing day. Football, Awards Ceremony, Jam Session and good friends.

  • The Packers remain undefeated. They held on to beat the Chargers here in Cali and are not 8-0.
  • This evening I went to see my good friend Katherine Brooks receive her Power Up Award tonight. An no – this is not an awards ceremony to celebrate power ups in video games. Power up stands for Professional Organization of Women in Entertainment Reaching Up. It is an organization that supports the work of Gay Women and Men in Hollywood. Every year they celebrate the accomplishments of 10 gay women and 10 gay men. This year Kat was one of the recipients of the award and I was lucky enough to go see her accept it. AWESOME
  • After the ceremony, we went over for a jam session with some really awesome singers. I’m so glad I was invited to witness it. Three amazing voices making wonderful music. It was just so amazing

I want to say thanks to everyone there tonight who made it such a wonderful experience. This is one day I will never forget. Since this Act is about saying Thank You, I thought it was really cool that I went to that Awards ceremony tonight. (how perfect is that, again???)

When I first saw this Act, the Boyz II Men song “Thank You” popped in my head. Then I thought about it some more and ABBA’s “Thank You For The Music” came to my mind. I wasn’t going to be mushy and write this on something else, but since this blog series is ending… I’m gonna take this opportunity to Thank all the people who have supported me throughout this process. I only have 13 days left.

Saying Thank You is something I was taught at a very young age by my parents. I was taught to say “Thank you” anytime anyone does anything for you. It’s the polite thing to do. We can’t do it alone and we need help. Since that help is a gift and does not have to be given, a simple “Thank You” is always warranted. So, I think in honor of the Power Up Awards, the rest of this entry is gonna be a little bit like an acceptance speech, where I thank everyone who has helped me along this blogging series.

First and foremost, I want to Thank all of you who read these, especially Whit, Jem, Ate Trixie, Ryan, JoJen, The Stratons, HG, EV, and of course Wanga. I know there’s more of you out there and if I didn’t mention you personally. I apologize. It’s really really late and my mind is tired. Anyway, ALL of you make me feel like I’m actually talking to someone, instead of a crazy person who just puts shit out there and “hopes” someone is reading. For you few and faithful, I will be eternally grateful. You don’t know how much it means to me. Thank you just doesn’t seem like it’s enough. (or even saying “Thank You from the bottom of my heart”). It all seems so contrived and feels like it comes up a little short. =( You are the best. I couldn’t have done this w/out you.

I wanna thank my mom for reading these everyday. She was really my inspiration for starting up blogging again (other than Erin – getting to you girl). It was my way of sharing my life with her after my father passed. It was my way of keeping her involved and keeping in touch. I know she misses my dad and I do to. I know we are closer that we have ever been and I feel like these blogs had a small hand in that. =)

I wanna thank Bex. –You are an amazing person and without you’re support….some of these blogs would’ve never come together. Thanks for being my rock and for being my sounding board when I needed ideas. You weren’t there from the beginning, but it was pretty darn close. You are the best. "Thank You For Being A Friend" - ala Golden Girls....

I wanna thank Patrick Lindsay for writing such an amazing book. It’s Never Too Late…172 Simple Acts To Change Your Life. This book has changed my life. This blogging adventure has changed my life. These two things along with my father passing, changing my perspective, and meeting Katherine Brooks have all changed my life for the better. I’m a different person than I was a year ago. I’m happy. I’m not a grouch. My perspective changed from seeing the glass half empty to seeing it half full. I know I’m not perfect and I have a long way to go, but I’m living proof that you can change. It is in all of us. I have used these 172 Acts (technically only 159 right now) to change my life. To change my attitude. To change my world. It is an amazing feeling. Knowing that it’s the little things in life you do can truly make a difference. If you make a bunch of small changes, it somehow translates to the rest of your life and you start to see the big changes happen.

Last but not least, I wanna Thank Erin Kelly for having this idea about this blogging adventure. I just stole this idea from her. And guess what? I actually got to meet her tonight at the Awards Ceremony. How cool is that? Erin, you rock girl. Thanks for the idea. It’s been an amazing ride. I’ve learned so much about myself and my friends/family throughout this process.

Thanks to all that have helped me in some shape or form being the person I am. I don’t think I could’ve done this w/out help. I apologize for leaving anyone out. Thank you everyone. Thank you!!

1 comment:

Whitney said...

Ahh, you're welcome. I hope you continue blogging regularly when you're done, because you are part of my nightly routine right now. Also, I think you are helping me stay motivated to study for this exam I signed up for.