Tuesday, November 8, 2011

No More Looking Back…

Act 161:

It’s never too late… To Go Forward

If you’re marking time, you’re going backward as the world moves past you. Look ahead. Aim high. Push on. Grow.” – Patrick Lindsay

Quote in book: “If there is no struggle, there is no progress.” ~ Fredrick Douglas

We all make mistakes. We all get our hearts broken. We all sometimes get in a rut. What do all these things have in common? The way to get over them is to move forward with your life. In the case of the first two, forget about the past and just take the steps to move on w/ your life. As for being in a rut, a lot of the time we can get stuck in our day to day lives and have no forward movement. Our lives stay the same, the daily grind lulls us into a daze, where we are not necessarily happy, but not unhappy either.

In all these cases, we need to do something to change it up. To move forward with our lives. It could be as simple as deciding to calling a friend once a week and having dinner. Going out or staying in. Do something slightly different in our lives. Take a different route to and from work. Once we induce that little bit of difference, it becomes easier and easier to introduce changes. Then before long, we’re dreaming bigger and bigger our goals change our lives change and then we’ve moved on from whatever it was that made us stuck.

For me, the first few months of this year was really difficult. In fact, until I started doing this blog series, I was in a rut. My father had passed and I didn’t really know how to move on with my life. Blogging every day on a new Act has helped me move on. It has helped me change my goals. Today I talked about my father’s death without wanting to cry…

The other day I had a long conversation about football with a co-worker, because I couldn’t have it with my dad. We talked about why the Colts suck so bad. How does losing Peyton Manning affect their defense? Until my friend brought up the point that it has to do with time of possession. Before the Colts offense was on the field more than the defense, so they would get a rest. Now the defense is on the field more than the offense and it’s just a matter of running out of steam in the 4th quarter. In the first 5-6 games the Colts were close and had a good shot of winning, but just gave it away in the 4th. Now I have a decent explanation. This is something that I’m sure my dad would’ve told me the first time I asked him. Now I have to live with either coming up with these explanations on my own or talking it out with colleagues. I’m trying to move forward and accept the fact that my father is not here. Progress. It’s a beautiful thing.

Now that I feel that my life has moved from the monotony of eat, sleep, shower, work, tv. I added the blog in there and I’ve been slowly reconnecting with the friends that are positive influences in my life. I’ve eliminated almost all of the negative energy in my life (save the people at work I can’t get away from). I am moving forward. Toward a happier life. I am happy. I cannot wait to start the next chapter of my life, which is to have a family. This is my larger goal. This is where I see my life going. Last year, I didn’t have any faith that I would get there. I now see a light at the end of the tunnel. I’m excited at the prospect and I’m ready to move on and move forward with my life.

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